Friday, August 3, 2012

Today's Project: Whiteboard Easel

So I decided today that I had to have a whiteboard easel but I could not bring myself to spend the money on it since everywhere I looked it was between $100-$200 for one so I got crafty. A friend got shower board cut last year and gave me one of the big pieces which took residence in the corner of my room without being used. I went to Michael's this morning and stared at the easels which were all a fortune until the nice lady found me one for $16.99, which became much cheaper thanks to an iPhone coupon and my teacher discount. Thank goodness it was an easel that only needed screws and I actually put it together all by myself.  Proud of myself. I got what I wanted for under $15. YEAH! Tell me what you think

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Vistaprint Addiction

Not sure exactly how this all started but I am a full on Vistaprint addict. I spend way too much time designing and making things for my classroom. This of course has led to my second addiction which is Pinterest. I have had a blast finding ideas and recreating or borrowing them.

Some of my new classroom additions this year are:

Going to try this for my whole class reward. Printed on a banner. 

My play on Be Wise for my classroom rules. Can you tell I have an owl problem?

Clock image was taken from google images and turned into a rack card for partner picking. Never did this idea before but I am going to try it so I can get them to work with people they normally would not choose. 

I put owl ribbon on the bottom and they will each get a clothespin that I can pull off so I know easily who to call to conference with next. 

Aa a before the state exam gift with a cookie. 

New testing sign that fits my theme. Going to velcro it to my door again. Worked well. Love lawn signs for this. 

Modified from all the different versions of this out there and printed on a banner. 

Posters for all their options for Word Work. I am going to laminate and post them so the directions are in a central location. Some are new and some are old favorites. 


Welcome to my first blog post! My goal is to make this useful for my classroom and teachers. I am an 11th year teach (sssssshhhhhh don't mention how old that is making me). I am moving to 5th grade this year after 3 years in 4th grade. Excited and nervous at the same time.